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The secure email standard

Since the introduction of the secure email standard (DCB1596), we’ve introduced a new email solution that allows us to send sensitive and confidential information securely to other health and social care organisations, providing a joined-up approach to patient care.

We previously only used our @nhs.net email accounts to share information.

We now use our @berkshire.nhs.uk email accounts, which is accredited by the Department of Health and complies with recognised Government and international digital security standards.

Our approach makes it easier for other departments to work with us, as we now only need to monitor one main inbox.

You can find more information about the secure email standard and view our NHS Digital email accreditation on the NHS Digital website.

Visit the NHS Digital website to read more about DCB1596 (opens new browser tab)

Visit the NHS digital website to read more about secure email standard(opens new browser tab)