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Research and Development

Research helps us develop new treatments, understand and prevent illnesses, and improve our patient’s quality of life.

We’re involved in a number of research projects in areas such as mental health, dementia, diabetes, sexual health, tissue viability, eating disorders, and Coronavirus (COVID-19).

In 2023/24 863 people participated in our research, and our 2023/24 national Participant Research Experience Survey results indicated that 87% would consider taking part in research again.

Get involved in our research studies

Research at Berkshire Healthcare spans a wide range of studies—from testing new medicines and treatments to surveys that explore your thoughts and experiences. Each study plays a vital role in advancing knowledge and improving healthcare.

Learn more about the types of research we offer at Berkshire Healthcare (opens in a new browser tab)

You can find more information about how to get involved on our website.

Find out about taking part in our studies (opens a new browser tab)

Contact us

Research and Development
Psychology Department
Berkshire Memory and Cognition Research Centre 
Harry Pitt Building, Earley Gate
Whiteknights Road
University of Reading
RG6 7BE  

Email research@berkshire.nhs.uk 

Our research performance

We are one of the most research active Mental Health and Community Trusts in England. This means we offer a greater number of opportunities to high quality research projects to our patients and staff members compared to other similar Trusts.