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Friends, Family, and Carers Charter

We launched our Carers Charter with the aim of promoting a culture of supporting and working in partnership with carers.

A carer is anyone, including children and adults, who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem and/or an addiction. The care they give is unpaid.

This charter was created following a series of engagement events with friends, families, and carers of patients.

(Clicking on this image will open the document as a PDF in a new tab)

Image of Friends, Family and Carers Charter - content below

Our pledge

Identify carers

  • Ask the people who use our services if they have a carer and how they want you to be involved
  • Ensure you are visible throughout the patient’s journey with us
  • Support our staff to identify and engage with you

Recognise carers

  • Listen to and respect you
  • Acknowledge your expertise and ask your opinions
  • Embrace the diversity of carers and value difference through inclusion for all

Inform and involve carers

  • Keep you informed by sharing relevant and meaningful information
  • Involve you in the planning and delivery of our services
  • Explain why, if for legal reasons, we cannot inform or involve you
  • Ask you for your feedback on our services

Guide and support carers

  • Provide clear, accurate and understandable information
  • Recognise the wellbeing needs of carer
  • Connect you to local support across health and social care services and our voluntary sector partners

Read our Carers Charter poster (pdf)

Support for carers

We have gathered information about support available to carers.