Get in touch
Urgent help
Call 999 if you need emergency help
Visit our mental health support page if you need urgent help
Contacting a service
If you need to speak to a service or a healthcare professional, please search our services and contact them directly.
Search a full list of our services (opens new browser tab)
Search a full list of our Children, Young People, and Families (CYPF) services (opens new browser tab)
Contacting our Head Office
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
London House
London Road
RG12 2UT
Call 0118 904 6500
Not sure who you need to speak to?
If you need to speak to someone but you're not sure who, fill out our general enquiries form. We'll get back to you as soon as possible or redirect your enquiry to the right team or person.
Debra Venning, Governance Administration Manager
Call 0300 247 3000
We can provide you with a copy of the information we have about you and your care, or the records of someone you have the appropriate legal right of access to, such as their consent or if you have Power of Health and Welfare Attorney.
To do this we encourage you to submit a request form to ensure we provide you with all of the information you are requesting.
We're always happy to complete Freedom of Information requests but there may be an easier and faster way to get the information you need.
Find out about Freedom of Information requests (opens new browser tab)
Do not contact our FOI team to request medical records. Instead, contact our Medical Records team.
Make a Medical and Patient Record request (opens a new browser tab)
If you have a media enquiry, please contact our Marketing and Communications team.
Find out who you can contact (opens new browser tab)
If you're a GP or Health professional, you can find all documents about safe transfer of prescribing documents on our website.
Read the safe transfer of prescribing documents (opens new browser tab)
For questions about our formulary, please contact Liz Dobson, Lead Governance and Clinical Economy Pharmacist.