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Freedom of Information (FOI) request

We support a culture of honesty and openness, and fully comply with the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000.

You can submit an FOI request to view information held by us to find out how we’re providing services, and the standards and targets we’re meeting.

The FOI Act does not cover access to your personal data. If you want to see information such as your health records, please see our Medical Records page for further details. 

Submit an FOI request

We hope that you will find what you're looking for on our website, but if not, you can send your Freedom of Information (FOI) request to us by using our online form. 

Use our online FOI contact form

We'll respond within 20 working days.   

Post address

Freedom of Information Officer
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
London House
London Road
RG12 2UT 

Email contact 

Include your full name and address, along with a clear description of the information you're looking for.

Email foi.bht@berkshire.nhs.uk

Medical record / subject access requests 

If you want to see information such as your health records, please see our Medical Records page for further details. 

Make a Medical and Patient Record request (opens a new browser tab) 

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) target is 90% of requests to be responded to within the 20-working day deadline.

Visit the ICO website to find out more (opens a new browser tab)


For 2022/2023, our response rates within the 20-working day deadline for each quarter is as follows: 

  • Quarter 1 – 94%
  • Quarter 2 – 89%
  • Quarter 3 – 78%
  • Quarter 4 – 81%


For 2023/2024, our response rates within the 20-working day deadline for each quarter is as follows: 

  • Quarter 1 – 83%
  • Quarter 2 – 89%
  • Quarter 3 – 95%
  • Quarter 4 – 97%


For 2024/2025, our response rates within the 20-working day deadline for each quarter is as follows: 

  • Quarter 1 – 93%
  • Quarter 2 – 93.01%
  • Quarter 3 – 94%

If you're a member of the media, please contact our Marketing and Communications team who can help you

Make a media enquiry (opens a new browser tab)