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Our Patient Participation and Groups

Our Patient Participation and Groups give you the chance to shape our services and help us provide an even better experience for people in Berkshire. 

We're looking for anyone who's had a good or bad experience to come and give feedback about your time with our service and help us use this information to make positive changes. 

We also do a lot of consultation work with our groups around service details, including:

  • Where we provide our services
  • Who we provide them to
  • How we provide them
  • Our opening times 
  • The information we supply to our patients, their families and carers

In some of our groups, you'll also have an opportunity to get involved in:

  • Our research projects
  • Interviewing new staff members 

Joining our Patient Participation Groups

You're invited to come along and find out more about our services and meet others.

If you're interested in joining one of our groups, please talk to a member of staff in the service you're using or email us.

Email Patientexperience@berkshire.nhs.uk 

Become a Patient Leader

  • Are you a patient, carer or just interested in our work?
  • Would you like to work with us to improve our patient care and experiences?
  • Would you like to work with us to influence healthcare in your local area?

We are looking for people to work with us to design and change patient services for the better. We will give full training through a series of workshops in collaboration with our colleagues at the Royal Berkshire Hospital and provide ongoing support – we would like you to bring your enthusiasm, encouragement and interest to lead other patients in this work. 

Volunteering as a Patient Leader

We recruit all our Patient Leaders through NHS Jobs, just search 'Voluntary Patient Leader'.

Visit the NHS Jobs website (opens new tab)

If you'd like more information about being a Patient Leader, you can contact our Patient Experience Team.

Email Patientexperience@berkshire.nhs.uk