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Genes and Health

  • Genes & Health is one of the world’s largest community-based genetics studies, aiming to improve health among people of Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage by analysing the genes and health of 100,000 local people.
  • Taking part is easy and quick, and involves providing a saliva (spit) sample and completing two short forms.
  • You can take part in this study if you are Bangladeshi, Pakistani, British‐Bangladeshi or British‐Pakistani, over the age of 16 and willing to provide a small saliva (spit) sample
  • When filling in the questionnaire please state you received information about the study through Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust:
    • When asked "How did you hear about the study" and please select “GP or Hospital”
    • Then in the “Other” box underneath type “Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust”

Visit the Genes & Health website to find out how to take part

Contact our research team to find out more quoting 'Genes and Health' study

Recruitment end date is 31 December 2028