Take part in our research
If you’re interested in taking part in our studies, please contact us, or speak to your clinician or GP.
For each study, we will talk to you about our aims, and what you will be asked to do.
Take a look at our latest open studies (opens a new browser tab)
Register your interest in taking part (opens a digital form in a new browser tab)
Why your participation matters
At Berkshire Healthcare, every breakthrough in treatment begins with people like you who participate in health and care research. By taking part, you contribute to the future of healthcare, helping us improve treatments and patient care for everyone.
Find out why you should take part in research here (new browser tab)
Who can take part?
Health and care research thrives on diversity, and Berkshire Healthcare values the unique backgrounds and experiences of our local community. Whether you are a patient, carer, or healthy volunteer, there’s a place for everyone in our research initiatives. Your participation helps ensure research reflects the diversity of the people it aims to serve.
Find out who can take part (opens a new browser tab)
Increasing the diversity of people taking part in research - Health Research Authority (opens a new browser tab)
Learning disability studies
Complete the registration form to find out how to take part.
You can always decide not to do a study if you don't want to.
Complete the online registration form (opens a new browser tab)
You can also complete a PDF registration form and email it to us.
Open the people PDF registration form (pdf)
If you're a carer or a family member, you can contract us either by completing the form online, or by emailing a completed PDF form.
Complete the family and carers online registration form (opens a new browser tab)
Open the family and carers PDF registration form (pdf)
Participant Research Experience Survey (PRES)
If you have previously or are currently taking part in research supported by the National Institute for Health and care Research (NIHR), which funds and supports research in the NHS as well as public health and social care research you can complete a short survey to tell us about your experience:
Complete the PRES survey (open a Google form in a new tab)
Real participant experiences
Here’s what participants say about being part of research. Want to know more?
See the NIHR patient experience page (opens a new browser tab)
Celebrating our vital NIHR Research Champions (opens a new browser tab)
Our research FAQs
We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about research or let you know about other ways you might be able to support research.
Your safety and wellbeing are our top priority.
For all our studies, we make it clear what exactly will be involved, and any potential affects you may experience.
All our studies have gone through the appropriate regulatory approvals to make sure that your safety, rights and dignity are protected.
This may include Health Research Authority approvals and NHS Ethics Committee approvals depending on the study.
Your involvement and the time required depends on the study, but some examples include:
- Filling in a questionnaire
- Being interviewed by a researcher
- Take part in a Talking Therapy session
- Giving a blood or saliva sample
- Trying out a new piece of equipment
- Taking a new medication
- Sharing information from your medical record
You’ll get a chance to discuss the trial in detail with our researchers before you decide whether or not to take part. If you’re not comfortable with it, you can choose not to take part.
You can also get involved with designing and reporting on our studies.
Contact us for more information.
Call 0118 378 5264
It's entirely your decision whether or not you take part in a study. If you decide not to take part in our research studies, it won’t affect your treatment in any way.
You can contact us if you’ve got any concerns or questions about one of our research studies.
Our Research and Development Team
Call 07920 082 812
Call 0118 378 5264
Email research@berkshire.nhs.uk
Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Call (PALS) 01344 415794
Making a complaint
Your feedback helps us to continue improving our services. If you’ve used one of our services, or you’re a family member or carer of someone who has, please tell us about your experience.
Taking part in our studies can help us develop new treatments for yourself and others, understand and prevent illnesses, and improve quality of life. By taking part you may have the chance to receive a new therapy, new intervention or new treatment. It may also help you gain a better understanding of your condition and feel more in control of your care.
By taking part in research you will also help the NHS by identifying ways to make the NHS stronger and more efficient.
There is evidence from a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) report showing that for some conditions, patients involved with clinical trials have better long term outcomes, and may also get earlier access to new treatments/health interventions.
View NIHR research, about how active trusts have better patient outcomes
There are a number of academic articles with similar findings:
- Jonker L, Fisher SJ. The correlation between National Health Service trusts’ clinical trial activity and both mortality rates and care quality commission ratings: a retrospective cross-sectional study. Public health. 2018 Apr 1;157:1-6. View the article
- Downing A, Morris EJ, Corrigan N et al. High hospital research participation and improved colorectal cancer survival outcomes: a population-based study. Gut, 2017;66:89-96. View the article
- Ozdemir BA, Karthikesalingam A, Sinha S, et al. Research activity and the association with mortality. PLoS One, 2015;10. View the article
- Boaz A, Hanney S, Jones T, & Soper B. Does the engagement of clinicians and organisations in research improve healthcare performance: a three-stage review. BMJ open, 2015; 5:e009415. View the article
- Jonker L, Fisher SJ. NHS Trusts’ clinical research activity and overall CQC performance–Is there a correlation? Public health, 2015; 129:1491-5. View the article
- Bennett WO, Bird JH, Burrows SA, Counter PR, & Reddy VM. Does academic output correlate with better mortality rates in NHS trusts in England? Public Health, 2012;126:S40-3.
- Clarke, M., & Loudon, K. (2011). Effects on patients of their healthcare practitioner’s or institution’s participation in clinical trials: a systematic review. Trials, 12(1), 16.
All researchers must follow our confidentiality policy.
When taking part in a research study, the details of how your data will be stored and shared will be outlined in the consent process when you agree to take part.
If you agree to join our Research Interest List we will store your information on a secure data base and it will not be shared with outside companies or organisations. If you would like to remove yourself from our Research Interest List, please inform us and we’ll remove your details immediately.
How we store information about you
All information is stored and used in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.
What sort of information we store
Demographic details and other pieces of information that you provide us with, that may help us to identify research studies which are relevant to you.
Who will have access to the Research Interest List database?
The database is secure and access is restricted to only the research staff authorised by the Research & Development Manager (who are employed by Berkshire Healthcare).
Your personal information will not be shared with others without your consent.
How will your information be used?
When the research team get involved in a new study, they will check the Research Interest List database for people like you who may be interested in taking part in that particular study and for whom the study may be suitable. We will need to look at relevant sections of your Berkshire Healthcare medical records to make sure we only contact you about studies relevant to you and will only look at information that is relevant for a particular study.
If it looks like the study might be suitable for you, you will be contacted by a member of the research team who will explain the research study and ask if you are interested in taking part.
If you are interested in the research study, the research team will send you a more detailed patient information leaflet so that you have all the information you need before deciding to take part.
You are under no obligation to take part in any of the research studies you are contacted about.
How long do we keep your information?
We keep your information until you contact the research team asking us to delete it. We will ask you at varied intervals if you would like to remain on the Research Interest List.
How can I remove my information from the Research Interest List database?
If you decide you no longer wish to have your information stored on the Research Interest List database, please contact us.
Call 0118 378 5264
Registering a research project with us
All projects must be registered with us. Please contact us at the earliest opportunity if you are thinking of conducting research in Berkshire Healthcare.
Email research@berkshire.nhs.uk
Applying for HRA approvals
With very few exceptions all clinical research requires approval from an NHS Research Ethics Committee (REC). In addition you will need NHS permission from the Health Research Authority if your study involves NHS patients, staff, resources or facilities
You can find out more on the levels of approval you need from the Health Research Authority (HRA) and Integrated Research Application System (IRAS) websites.
Visit the HRA website - what approvals do I need for my research study
Visit the IRAS website - find out more about HRA and HCRW approval
If you require any assistance please contact us
Email research@berkshire.nhs.uk
Researchers working for the NHS but not employed by Berkshire Healthcare
If you already have a substantive or honorary NHS clinical contract with another trust and you wish to conduct research with us, your employing trust will need to complete an NHS confirmation of pre-engagement checks form and send it back to us with a signed and dated copy of your CV.
Once we're satisfied that appropriate pre-engagement checks have been carried out we will issue an appropriate letter of access. These letters of access are study specific.
Researchers from outside the NHS
If you are working in a university and not currently working in the NHS but would like to work with us on a study, you will need to complete the Research Passport application form (Sections 1-6) in collaboration with your substantive employer and organise any required supporting documentation.
The application form provides the necessary information required to assure us that appropriate pre-engagement checks have been undertaken and to identify any further checks or updates required.
Contact us if you are not from the NHS or a university, but would like to work with us on your project.
You can also find more health research studies in your local area by visiting the ‘Be Part of Research’ webpages of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Regional Research Delivery Network (RRDN).
Visit the Be Part of Research website to sign up for studies