Berkshire schools needed for research study

We're looking for schools in Berkshire to take part in a research project to help test a new profiling tool, SPENCER, which helps teachers to better assess and understand their pupils’ individual strengths and support needs.
In October 2024, Children’s Commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza published a report advocating for a more child-focused system that prioritises individual needs and early intervention. This shift emphasises needs-led support in schools and health services rather than diagnosis-led support.
We have been working alongside the University of Reading to support the development of SPENCER, which differs from most profiling tools as it looks beyond potential neurodivergence for a child or young person, and takes into account their social, physical and emotional strengths and support needs.
How SPENCER works
Teaching staff observe and record information about their pupil using the tool which creates an individual profile identifying strengths and support needs specifically tailored to the young person. It then makes recommendations of support and provides resources that can be easily implemented by parents, teachers and healthcare professionals.
SPENCER helps with early intervention, ensuring the child’s strengths and needs are identified quickly, that early and easily accessible support can be swiftly provided, and that they are on the right pathway for specialist support if needed.
The tool has so far been successfully completed for over 230 pupils with positive feedback being reported by the teachers, parents and professionals.
One teacher said: “Ofsted were impressed with SPENCER and how it is implemented in the school to meet the needs of each individual student and supports the monitoring of each student’s progress over time.”
Dr Mairi Evans, Clinical Director for Community Children, Families and All-Age Neurodiversity Services, at Berkshire Healthcare said:
“We’re thrilled to collaborate with SPENCER and the University of Reading to evaluate the benefits of this tool and its effectiveness in promoting needs-led support. This initiative aligns with the Children's Commissioner's vision, ensuring children and young people receive timely support tailored to their needs.”
Dr Bryn Williams, Clinical Director and Founder of Spencer said:
“I'm excited for SPENCER to be critically evaluated by way of a research study led by Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. SPENCER has been 10 years in the making. It was created in response to many years of parents and professionals asking me for psychological help for children who could not get it. SPENCER seeks to describe need and then give recommendations to help. At its heart it was designed to consider the whole child and build resilience. We look forward to the research honing and developing the tools.”
More schools are needed to take part in this research to help further develop the tool.
Schools wanting to take part or find out more should contact
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