Can’t make your doctor’s appointment? Please call to cancel

Did you know that over 15 million GP appointments were wasted last year because no one called to cancel?
And over 7 million of these were with family doctors – all that wasted time is the equivalent of over 600 GPs working full time for a year.
Each missed appointment costs an average of £30, putting the total cost to the NHS at more than £216million pounds. This is money could be paying for:
- The annual salary of 2,325 full-time GPs
- The annual salary of 8, 424 full-time community nurses
- 224, 640 cataract operations
- 58,320 hip replacement operations
- 216,000 drug treatment courses for Alzheimer’s
Make it your new year’s resolution to let your GP know if you can’t make your appointment – thank you!