Celebrating the success of our public health nursing services

Despite warnings of snow, the sun shone on our public health nursing teams as they joined us for an inspirational conference, held at Newbury Racecourse.
The event opened with an address from our chief executive, Julian Emms, providing a summary of the government's NHS ten-year plan and its commitments to increased investment in primary care, mental health and children's services.
He congratulated our immunisation team on: 'The fantastic job they did in delivering immunisation targets in record time and their outstanding response to an outbreak emergency over the August Bank Holiday. He acknowledged the important work our public health nursing teams undertake in reducing unnecessary admissions to Accident and Emergency services.'
Explaining how the innovation of our healthcare services is being recognised nationally, he confirmed that our proactive approaches have been very influential, with presentations being made in Westminster. Concluding, he said: 'You are doing an amazing job. And it is important to take a step back and share your success. Thank you for rising to the challenge.'
Our public health nursing team demonstrated how they had been empowered to 'dare to dream' and use innovation to improve their service.
If anything can be concluded by the events of the day, it is that the energy and enthusiasm of our public health nursing teams is striking and something to be applauded. Incredible people, who take on challenges every day, working with commitment and resilience, to help improve the opportunities for those they care for.