Covid-19 vaccine for children

Berkshire Healthcare are aware that a bogus Covid-19 immunisation consent form has been circulated to parents – this is malicious and has not been sent by the NHS. It may look like a checklist, and contain a fake ‘NHS Vaccines’ logo. Please ignore it.
The consent forms issued by our school-aged immunisation team are digital and linked to every school.
If you need to speak to someone about the Covid-19 vaccination programme for 12-15 year olds, please dial 119. This is a national line and the staff there will be able to answer any queries.
About the vaccine
The COVID-19 Pfizer (Coronavirus) vaccine for young people aged 12-15 is currently available to children and young people in Year 8 to Year 11 in mainstream, independent and special schools is delivered as a single dose. We are also able to offer 1st doses to young people in 16-18 year age group who continue to attend full time education. For children and young people in Year 7, the service is unable to offer a school-based service but will be running community clinics after October half term for those young people who have reached their 12th birthday by 31 October.
While it is internationally acknowledged that serious illness from Covid is rare in healthy young people within these age groups, there has been a significant impact on young people’s emotional and mental wellbeing since the start of the pandemic, as well as significant interruptions in their education.
If your child is clinically extremely vulnerable or living in a home with a household contact who is immunosuppressed, they will be eligible for a 2nd dose after a minimum of 8 weeks. The 1st dose can be given in the school, and we will refer back to GP or your child’s consultant to ensure they can access their 2nd dose.
About Covid-19
COVID-19 is spread through droplets breathed out from the nose or mouth, particularly when speaking or coughing. It can also be picked up by touching your eyes, nose and mouth after contact with contaminated objects and surfaces. It is still important to continue to follow current national guidance:
- think about social distancing
- wear a face mask where advised
- wash your hands carefully and frequently
- open windows to let fresh air in
Further information is available from How to avoid catching and spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) - NHS (
Please visit our School-aged immunisation team pages for more information about the Covid-19 vaccine and children.