Dry January: Are you in?

As the calendar turns to a new year, many of us embark on a journey of self-improvement and personal growth. One increasingly popular resolution is ‘Dry January’: a commitment to go alcohol-free for the entire month.
One in five adults (about ten million people) in England regularly drink at levels that significantly increase their risk of harm, at more than 14 units per week (that’s about six pints of normal strength beer or lager, or a bottle and a half of wine, per week). So, for many of us, January can provide a perfect opportunity for a reset.
31 days without alcohol can give lots of obvious benefits, like more energy, improved concentration, and boosted mood, as well as a chance to save some money. It does you good in other ways too. Research shows that a month off alcohol leads to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes risk, as well as lower cancer-related proteins in the blood.
By using tools like Alcohol Change UK’s free app, Try Dry®, or by signing up for coaching emails, you’re twice as likely to have a completely alcohol-free month, compared to those who try to avoid alcohol in January on their own.
Visit the Alcohol Change UK website for how to take part (new browser tab)
You can find more tips and advice to help you cut down on alcohol on the NHS website.
Visit the NHS Better Health website (new browser tab)
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