Fighting flu this winter

We’ve kicked off our 2018-19 flu campaign with a bang (have you seen our Mamma Mia: Don’t get flu again musical?) and are in the process of providing free vaccinations to both our clinicians and support staff to help protect you, our patients, and your families from the spread of flu.
If you’re worried about catching flu this winter, visit your GP surgery, local pharmacy or, if you’re pregnant, your midwifery service.
Flu can be particularly dangerous if you’re:
- 65 years of age or over
- pregnant
- have certain medical conditions
If you’re in one of these groups, you might be able to get your flu jab for free – check when you go in for your appointment.
Our staff can continue to get their vaccinations at:
- one of our drop-in clinics running throughout October
- Contact your local Peer Vaccinator Flu Champion
- If you can’t make a clinic or meet a Peer Vaccinator at a mutually convenient time, you can pick up a flu voucher and have your flu jab at your local chemist
Find out more information by searching TeamNet for ‘flu’
Look out for updates here on our website and on our Twitter and Facebook pages, and remember to sign-up for your flu jab today.