Friday night garden gig

Yamini Sullivan, who is a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist for our Children and Young People's Integrated Therapies (CYPIT) team in Reading, and her family were surprised by live Friday Night Flamenco music performed in their own back garden as part of the ‘Gig In Your Garden’ giveaway by the band Duo.
Read more about Duo and their 'Gig In Your Garden giveaway
Yamini and her husband, who also works for the NHS at the Royal Marsden Hospital in Surrey, were nominated for ‘Gig In Your Garden’ by a friend who felt that they deserved a special thank you for everything they’ve done during the COVID-19 outbreak.
You can watch the gig video below.
Not only did the family have to combat working two full time frontline jobs whilst home-schooling their children, but Yamini’s husband was also involved in setting up the new Nightingale Hospital in London.
During this time, he contracted COVID-19 and began self-isolating, not only from the public but also from his wife and children to ensure their safety. After some time, Yamini’s husband recovered fully and the family were reunited to continue their fight against COVID-19 together.
We can’t think of a family more deserving of thanks, and it seems the band Duo agreed. After arriving at the Sullivan family home, the band played an electric night with songs from across the decades which both parents and children enjoyed.
Yamini told us about her night, explaining that “we were so touched that our friends nominated us to have a private gig in our back garden. It was a magical experience, and very special as it was also my son’s last day at primary school. We would like to thank Duo for their support for all keyworkers during this time.”
Visit the Duo website and nominate a key worker for their own 'Gig In Your Garden'