Healthcare Science Week 2023: Our researchers need you!

This Healthcare Science Week (13-19 March 2023) why not sign up to support one of our innovative research projects and help contribute to our important work in developing new treatments, understanding and preventing illnesses, and improving our patients' quality of life.
By taking part in our research you may have the chance to receive a new therapy, intervention or treatment. It may also help you gain a better understanding of your condition and feel more in control of your care. You will also help the NHS by identifying ways to make the NHS stronger and more efficient.
Last year 1,723 people participated in 94 research projects across our Trust, and over 93% said they would consider taking part in another research study.
We are actively seeking participants for a number of research projects and you can find more information about our latest studies and how to get involved below.
Type 1 diabetes study
This study aims to provide a wider understanding of type 1 diabetes and develop a research database for further research. We are looking for people who have recently been diagnosed with the condition, and also their siblings. The research will involve participants completing a survey and providing optional blood samples. The study will also give participants information about type 1 diabetes research that they might be eligible for and put them in touch with the teams running the research. To participate in this study, you must be aged 5 or older, and have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in the past 6 months.
To register your interest or take part, please email quoting the reference ‘Address II’.
Multicatheter trial
This study will explore whether using a mixture of re-usable catheters and single-use catheters is as safe and acceptable for intermittent catheterisation (IC) as using only single-use catheter. There are advantages and disadvantages to both multi-use and single-use catheters and using a combination of both methods (‘mixed-use’) could offer the flexibility and advantages of both types. Participants on the trial will be asked to do intermittent catheterisation using either single-use catheterisation only using their usual catheters (the ‘control’ group) or mixed-use catheterisation using a combination of their own single-use catheters and multi-use catheters which we provide (the ‘intervention’ group). To participate in this 12 month trial, you must be 18 years or older, currently use an IC for more than six weeks performed by yourself or a solo carer.
To register your interest or take part, please email by 30 April 2023 quote ‘Multicath trial’.
Talking Therapies study
Common mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, affect 1 in 5 people and psychological treatments are helpful in treating these problems, with half of treated adults recovering as a result. Knowing what things make treatment work can help therapists adapt or develop new treatments. Our researchers are looking for participants who have been offered treatment in the Talking Therapies service, who would be willing to complete a short questionnaire which should take around 30 minutes. To participate in this study, you must be 18 years or older.
To register your interest or take part, please email by 31 March 2023.
Genetic links to anxiety and depression (GLAD)
This study explores the genetic and environmental factors associated with risk for depression and anxiety disorders in the UK, to understand these disorders and help develop better treatments. We are looking for participants who have experienced clinical anxiety and/or depression, to complete an online survey. To participate in this study, you must be aged 16 years or older. If you choose to take part, please select ‘Berkshire Healthcare’ when you're asked where you heard about this study.
Visit the GLAD study website to find out how to take part (opens new browser tab)
Psychosis study
This study aims to establish the prevalence of pathogenic antibodies in patients with first episode psychosis. Researchers will ask for blood samples from participants and request information on their age, gender, ethnicity, previous history of psychotic illness, and length of current episode of psychosis symptoms. Based on this, participants may then be invited to take part in a treatment study. To participate in this research, you must be aged 16-60 and have been experiencing at least one symptom of psychosis for at least two weeks but not longer than two years.
To register your interest or take part, please email quoting the reference ‘PPiP2’.
Dementia carers study
Caring for someone with dementia can be both challenging and rewarding for family and friend carers. A tool has been developed to measure how caring for someone living with dementia can affect the experience of compassion. To make sure this tool is well designed and appropriate for use, this study will survey and collect data from family and friend carers using the new tool and measure emotions, thinking styles, and how they feel about their relationships. This will help us to understand better how family and friend carers experience compassion, if this is related to their emotions and how they respond to the person they are caring for. To take part you need to be a family or friend carer of someone living with dementia, and you must be over the age of 18.
To register your interest or take part, please email
Pharmacogenetics study
This study explores whether genetic testing is beneficial for people who take antipsychotic medications. Our DNA influences the way the body responds to medicines and treatment may be improved if your individual genetics are taken into consideration. You can take part in this research if you are aged 18 or over, taking an antipsychotic medication, and willing to have a saliva test or a blood test and complete some questionnaires.
To register your interest or take part, please email
These projects are just a few of the research studies that we are currently working on. We are also researching topics such as tissue viability, continence, memory, sexual health and many more.
Find out more
Contact our research team to find out more about these studies, or see our full list of research projects (opens in new window)