Helping to support people with dementia

Berkshire Healthcare is supporting a range of exciting, local activities as part of Dementia Action Week (18-25 May).
Screensavers in GP waiting rooms will be highlighting information on preventing dementia, getting a diagnosis and the support that is available locally.
Tuesday 21 May
There will be an information stand from 10am-12pm at Bracknell Sports Centre, where people are encouraged to come along and chat to staff from Bracknell Memory Clinic and Younger People with Dementia.
Age UK will be running a Tai Chi class for the over 50s at Great Hollands Community Centre, Bracknell, from 11am-12pm. For further details contact 01189 959 4242.
A Partnership Event for customers of Silva Homes will take place at the Hilton Hotel, Bracknell from 6pm-9pm. Booking is required. Contact 01344 382800 if you would like to meet Silva Home employees and visit the stalls on display, including one representing the Bracknell Memory Clinic.
Wednesday 22 May
There will be a “Dementia Friends Awareness” event at St Joseph’s Church Hall, Bracknell from 11am-12pm (no need to book).
Priestwood Wednesday Club at Priestwood Community Centre, Bracknell, will provide a place to meet friends and take part in activities from 2pm-4pm. No need to book. For further details contact 01344 862916.
Thursday 23 May
A “Reminiscence Group” will provide the opportunity to share memories of the past in a fun and friendly environment, at Harmanswater Library, Bracknell, from 10.30-11.30am. For more information contact 01344 302722.
The “Tovertafel Magic Table” launch will take place between 2pm and 4pm at the Forget-Me-Knot Community Space, Wildridings Shops, Bracknell. This is a free, public event, where everyone will be welcome to come and play on the “Magic Table”, which is helping to engage people with dementia. No booking is required. For more information contact 01344 266088.
Friday 24 May
“Singing for Pleasure” will be open to people with dementia and their carers at King Edward’s Hall in Ascot from 10.30am-12pm. No booking is required. For more information contact 07516 165647.
“What They Had” will be shown at South Hill Park Cinema, Bracknell, at various times of the day. It promises to be a moving and riveting watch. For further details contact 01344 484123.
For further information on any of the above events or if you would like to know more about how Bracknell Forest is supporting people with dementia and their carers, please contact: Karen White 01344 823220