International Day of Happiness

International Day of Happiness is today, March 20.
The theme for this year’s International Day of Happiness is ‘Keep calm. Stay wise. Be kind’. As we face an ongoing global crisis together, this year’s celebration is a chance to find uplifting and positive ways to look after ourselves, and one another. Action for Happiness, who co-ordinate the annual celebration, suggests:
Keep calm. There are lots of things outside our control. Let’s remember to breathe and focus on what really matters so we can respond constructively.
Stay wise. Making wise choices helps everyone. Let’s choose positive actions that support our well-being and help others to do the same.
Be kind. We’re all in this together, even when we’re forced apart. Let’s stay connected and reach out to help others who may be in need.
We asked our staff what they have made, done or accomplished in the last year that’s made them happy.
We had lots of photos sent in from staff, showing a range of talents and creativity, from interior design during lockdown, to painting and baking.
Finding happiness inspiration every day
If you’re looking for more ways to find happiness every day, check out the Action for Happiness Coping Calendar, or join the 10 Days of Happiness coaching program
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