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Introducing our Neurodiversity Passport

Neurodiversity passport

In association with the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB-ICB) we’ve launched a ‘Neurodiversity Passport’ to support neurodivergent people to communicate with health professionals.

Published on 6 March 2024 

Update 19 March 2025: Our Neurodiversity Passport is now called our Neuro-Inclusion Passport. 

Read more about our Neuro-Inclusion Passport

Dr Mairi Evans, Neurodiversity Lead, said “We know that making small adjustments to the way we communicate, or to the physical environment can have a positive impact for neurodivergent people, and make it easier for them to access the care they need when they come into our services.

“Every neurodivergent person is different. Having a better understanding of the unique needs of each individual, as well as what is important to them, will help us to understand any communication or sensory needs, and better understand what we can put in place to reduce barriers and to support them in accessing care.””.

The passport, which has been developed in collaboration with people with lived experience, is recommended for anyone who is diagnosed or self-identifies as neurodivergent. While there are other forms of neurodivergence, the passport currently includes Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia.

The passport is available on our website for patients to complete themselves, or you can ask a member of our staff to complete it with you. Currently, the passport is designed for adults or older adolescents.  We’re in the process of designing a version for children and young people.

At Berkshire Healthcare, our vision is for everyone to recognise, understand and celebrate neurodiversity, and for all neurodivergent people working in, or using our services to be empowered and enabled to have equal services, support and fulfilling lives. Our neurodiversity strategy sets out how we’re trying to address some of these issues.

See our neurodiversity strategy

Find out more about our Adult Autism Team