Join the ‘Primary Care Conversation’ to help transform services across the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB)

The Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB) is working with health and care partners and local people to transform primary care services across the ICB.
This work is underpinned by BOB ICB’s Integrated Care Strategy and Five-Year Joint Forward Plan published earlier this year. These set out an ambition to further develop neighbourhood teams by integrating the work of primary care and community services to improve access and people’s experience of using services to provide better patient care.
BOB ICB has already started to review the current state of primary services with health and care partners. It is now working with them to develop a primary care strategy and implementation plan for a phased roll out later in 2024.
As part of this programme of work, BOB ICB has launched the ‘Primary Care Conversation’ asking the public to share their views on primary care services via an online survey.
The work aims to:
- build a shared understanding of the current state of primary and community services and present a case for change
- build a consensus on the future vision for primary care and its integration with community services
- design the way we deliver this care (operating model) and other tools such as digital healthcare
- test the practical application of the new model through projects
- capture learning and build capability for phased roll-out of the final strategy.
Take part in the survey
You can take part in BOB ICB’s survey if you live in Reading, Wokingham, and West Berkshire. The survey is open until 31 January 2024.
Visit the yourvoice-icb website
You can request a printed copy.
Call 0300 123 4465
Find out more
Visit the BOB ICB website to find out how to join the ‘Primary Care Conversation’ to help transform services (opens in new tab)
The Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board is part of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care System.
Find out more about our role in Integrated Care Systems in Berkshire (opens in new tab)