Keep your child safe from flu this winter

This year, more people are likely to get flu as fewer people will have built up natural immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that it is even more important that do everything we can to protect our children, ourselves and our communities.
Flu can be a serious illness that leads to complications like bronchitis and pneumonia and painful ear infections in children.
Children are given a nasal spray to protect against flu. It’s quick, painless and more effective than an injected vaccine.
Having a flu vaccine not only protects your child, but stops them spreading flu to family and the community.
This Autumn term, the school-aged immunisation team will be visiting all primary schools to offer the flu vaccine to children in years Reception to year 6. If your child does not currently attend school, they will be invited to an alternative local community venue. Look out for this information from your school and make sure you fill in the consent form.
All children who are aged 2 and 3 years old on 31 August 2022 will be offered the flu vaccine via their GP.
As the flu virus can change each year, it’s important to have your child vaccinated each year.