Keeping hearts happy all year round

This Valentine’s Day do something extra special for the ones you love. Book yourself a heart care health check. You’ll find that heart health monitoring is a matter of A, B, C.
Cardiovascular disease is the nation’s biggest killer and the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for 17.9 million lives each year, 31% of all global deaths.
With undetected and poorly managed atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol – the A, B, C causes of cardiovascular disease – putting lives at risk, Public Health England and NHS England have announced the first ever national ambitions to improve detection and treatment rates.
These conditions often carry no symptoms, meaning millions of us are unaware that we are at risk. In England alone, there are currently over 5 million people living with undiagnosed high blood pressure.
The A-B-C conditions can be detected through routine checks and people aged 40 to 74 are being urged to get their free NHS Health Check.
Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive, Public Health England, advises: “Know your numbers and save your life. We know our PIN numbers but not the numbers that save our lives. Thousands of heart attacks and strokes can be prevented by more people knowing their blood pressure and cholesterol numbers and by seeking help early. Prevention is always better than cure.”
Describing the government’s commitment to helping to prevent heart attacks and strokes, Health Secretary Matt Hancock says: “Prevention is at the heart of our vision for improving the health of the nation, empowering people to stay healthy, not just treating them when they’re ill.”
“Almost half of those with high blood pressure are going about their daily lives without it being detected or treated. Millions of people are needlessly at risk of heart attacks or strokes when it could be prevented. So I want to help more people to take the time out to protect their future health and get checked.”
“The NHS Long Term Plan has a target to prevent 150,000 heart attacks, strokes and cases of dementia within ten years. By coming together across the system to agree these ambitions we have set the goal posts for how we will achieve this target and continue our fight against the nation’s biggest killer.”
Take action to improve your heart health
- If you’re aged between 40 and 74, take up your offer of a free NHS Health Check
- If you’re aged over 30, take the ‘Heart Age Test’ to find out more about the factors that affect your heart health
- Those under 30 can take the ‘How Are You’ quiz for easy tips on healthy living
- Everyone can find out about the different ways to maintain good cardiovascular health, such as eating well, staying active and cutting back on alcohol, with free advice available through Public Health England’s ‘OneYou’ campaign