Little Dragons Nursery among top nurseries in Reading

Little Dragons is one of three nurseries run by Berkshire Healthcare. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the nurseries have stayed open, providing vital care for children of staff working for the NHS, as well as other key workers.
As a result of the hard work and commitment shown nursery staff, the nursery has been rated 9.9 out of 10 by – one of the highest rated in the Reading area.
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The ratings are based on reviews from the children’s families and carers. Other factors in the rating include facilities, outside space, learning, resources and equipment and ICT, care, activities, staff, food and nutrition, management, cleanliness, safeguarding, and value for money.
It has been challenging to maintain a service protecting both children and nursery staff from COVID-19, ensuring guidelines such as social distancing are maintained. However, Little Dragons Nursery have managed to ‘wow’ parents.
Little Dragons opened in 2003 in a purpose-built single storey building on Bath Road in Reading. The nursery accepts children ages from three months to five years.
Little Dragons has a stimulating outdoor play area where children are encouraged to spend time outside, which is key to their development. Inside, there’s many cosy and playful environments, perfect for children to discover their creativity and be thoroughly entertained.
Rebecca Croft, Nursery Manager at Little Dragons Nursery, expressed: “I am honestly the proudest manager, my team are so dedicated to the nursery and it’s a joy to see what an amazing bond they develop with the children and parents.”
There have been many positive reviews from parents on, one review said: “My child has developed massively since being at the nursery and this is no small part to the care and attention that she receives from the staff at Little Dragons. Their commitment to providing a service throughout the pandemic is outstanding.”
Another review left for Little Dragons Nursery said: "I can honestly say I don't know what I would do without the amazing team at Little Dragons. Just knowing my son is happy and safe is one of the most important things when trying to manage a full-time job and being a single parent."
Find out more
Nursery website
You can find out more about the nursery and see photos, on the Little Dragons Nursery website.
Visit the Little Dragons webpage (opens new browser tab)
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