New central baby clinic opens in Reading

A range of services is being offered to families with young children at a new health clinic in central Reading.
The new Child Health Clinic will offer integrated services for families with children under five years old from the Salvation Army building at the Castle Hill Roundabout.
We will hold weekly Well Baby Clinics at the centre, including advice sessions with the health visiting team, a self-weigh drop-in service, plus regular health checks by appointment. More services are also planned to follow.
The Health Visiting Service offers a universal programme to all families from the antenatal period through to when the child reaches school age. This includes five health assessments/contacts at set times throughout the first 30 months of a child’s life. This is part of the national Healthy Child Programme to support parents and carers in promoting good health and development for their child. In addition, they will offer drop-in Well Baby Clinics to families with children under five, where they can receive support and advice on child health, growth and development.
The new central clinic at the Salvation Army building in Anstey Road has been created as part of a wider review of the Health Visiting service across Reading to ensure that those who need it have easy access to a Well Baby Clinic either by foot or by public transport.
For more information and clinic opening times, see our Health Visiting pages.