New phone line for Early Years Speech and Language therapy

The Early Years' Speech and Language Therapy service in Berkshire is changing.
If you have a child aged 0-5 with a Berkshire GP, you can call us and speak directly to a speech and language therapist to discuss any concerns with their speech and language.
We support children and young people to understand what is being said to them, express themselves and produce the sounds needed for clear speech. In some cases, speech and language therapists also work to help children with their eating and drinking.
We can also help with social communication skills and interacting with others, as well as specific conditions such as stammering or hearing impairment.
Our phone lines will be open from 9am-3.30pm on a Tuesday and Thursday, starting Tuesday 9 January 2024.
Call us on: 0118 9043700
Please do not complete a referral form to contact the service, instead we encourage you to contact our enquiries line to discuss your concerns with a Speech and Language Therapist from 9 January 2024.
In the meantime, please feel free to take a look at the helpful resources on our website to find advice and strategies to support your child.