NHS Heroes recognised at our All Star Awards

On Friday 14 July, we celebrated our All Star Awards, highlighting fantastic examples of individuals and teams across our Trust going above and beyond to help others.
Staff from Henry Tudor Ward at St Mark’s Hospital in Maidenhead received the ‘Clinical Team of the Year’ award, for their actions when a fire broke out at a nearby private care home. Three fire crews tackled the blaze for several hours and our staff helped 20 residents who were evacuated, bringing them into our hospital, providing food, drink and support. A number of staff who were not on shift also heard about the situation and came in to help out in a real show of teamwork and going the extra mile.
Another award winner was Rebecca Girnary, Children, Young People and Families Lead, who received the ‘Non-Clinical Colleague of the Year’ award in recognition of her work in project managing the development of a new ‘Health Bus’. The Health Bus, which launched in October 2022, serves as a mobile clinic, bringing health services direct to local communities across Berkshire.
Rebecca Girnary, Children, Young People and Families Lead, winner of the Non-Clinical Colleague of the Year award with Chief Executive, Julian Emms and Chief Financial Officer, Paul Gray
Other winners included the East - Urgent Community Response and Virtual Community Ward Service who received the ‘Excellence in Practice’ award. This service was set up early April 2022 to provide a two-hour crisis response service to patients in their own homes or in care homes, which has helped to reduce 20% of hospital admissions.
The People’s Choice award was won by Tamara Radburn-Mills, Activity Co-ordinator at Prospect Park Hospital in Reading, who received multiple nominations from both staff and patients for always going above and beyond, including collecting the newspapers every morning before her shift and giving them out to patients in her own time – and buying biscuits every Friday for staff.
There was also a new NHS 75 Award, marking the 75th birthday of the NHS, to recognise unsung heroes. The award went to Steph Moakes, Health, Wellbeing and Engagement Manager, who arranges wellbeing initiatives and training to ensure that staff are fully supported.
NHS 75 Award winner Steph Moakes, Health, Wellbeing and Engagement Manager, with Chief Executive, Julian Emms and Chairman, Martin Earwicker
Chief Executive, Julian Emms, concluded: “We have 5,000 colleagues across 100 different sites and each and every one of them goes above and beyond to provide the very best care to our patients. Together they help us be a CQC Outstanding Trust and make Berkshire Healthcare a truly great place to get care, and a great place to give care”.
The full list of award winners are:
- Team of the Year (clinical) went to the Henry Tudor Ward
- Team of the Year (non-clinical) went to the ePMA Community Health Project Team
- Colleague of the Year (clinical) went to Reuben Pearce
- Colleague of the Year (non-clinical) went to Rebecca Girnary
- Excellence in Practice went to the East - Urgent Community Response & Virtual Community Ward Service
- The People’s Choice award went to Tamara Radburn-Mills
- Respect for Everyone award went to the Talking Therapies Clinically Ethnic Diverse (CED) Team
- NHS 75 Award went to Steph Moakes
- Volunteer of the Year went to Rose Johnston