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NHS Staff Survey: Another record-breaking year for Berkshire Healthcare

Three Berkshire Healthcare nurses talking to each other

We’re delighted to share our best NHS Staff Survey results yet, with a record 3,305 of our colleagues taking part.

Published: 21 March 2025

We’re proud to be the top scoring combined mental health, learning disability and community health Trust for staff recommending their organisation as a place to work. 78.15% of staff agreed or strongly agreeing with this statement - well above the national average of 65%, and an increase of 3% from last year.

We also achieved a score of 7.5 for staff engagement – another top score among similar Trusts.

Our highlights

We’re proud to have achieved the top score in 25 questions compared to similar NHS organisations, including:

  • 89% of staff said patient care is my organisation’s top priority
  • 84% reported that Berkshire Healthcare respects individual differences
  • 79% would recommend us to friends and family for treatment
  • 78% would recommend Berkshire Healthcare as a place to work
  • 74% said our organisation takes positive action on health and wellbeing

Additionally, we're pleased to share:

  • Our investment in management and leadership training led to improved staff experiences in line manager support and compassionate leadership.
  • We're also making progress in supporting our diverse workforce. We're showing three year progress trends in 10 out of 11 indicators of experience for our disabled and ethnically diverse staff. We recognise that there are still gaps in experience between these groups and that there is still work to do.

Julian Emms, Chief Executive of Berkshire Healthcare expressed: “I was delighted that we topped the NHS Staff Survey once again for our group. We know there’s a direct relationship between feel engaged and motivated, and the provision of high-quality care.

“It’s a pleasure to work in an organisation with such high levels of dedication and professional satisfaction. Perhaps most satisfying of all is that we’ve consistently been ranked one of the best places to work in the whole NHS for five consecutive years.”

Investing in our people

Over the past year, we’ve actively listened to staff feedback and taken action to ensure Berkshire Healthcare remains a great place to get care and give care. Key initiatives include:

Actions we’ve taken

  • Making positive changes to our staff wellbeing services based on feedback
  • Implementing our violence prevention and reduction initiatives and new leadership and management training programmes
  • Continuing our commitment to reducing inequalities and improving experience for our ethnically diverse, LGBTQ and disabled colleagues through our anti-racism strategy

While we’re proud of the progress we’re making, we know there’s still more to do and remain committed to making Berkshire Healthcare an even better place to work.

See our results (opens in new window)

About the NHS Staff Survey

The annual NHS Staff Survey aims to gain insight to improve the experience of all NHS employees. The survey is one of the biggest workforce surveys in the world and is aligned with the nine themes of NHS People Promise, plus staff engagement and morale.

Find out more

See our latest career opportunities (opens in new window)

Learn more about our commitment to becoming an anti-racist organisation (opens in new window)