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One Team Networking Event: A Roundup

Event space with lots of attendees. One person presenting to the group.

On the 8 July, 2024, Berkshire Healthcare hosted the fourth One Team Networking Event, created to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders including Berkshire's voluntary sector, community groups, local authorities, GPs, service users, and carers. The agenda was packed with insightful presentations and interactive activities, all aimed at fostering collaboration and enhancing mental health services across the region. 

The event commenced with a warm welcome from Jayne Reynolds, Director of Operational Development at Berkshire Healthcare, setting a positive tone for the day. Tracy Gilzene, Patient Flow Clinical Lead, followed up with an exciting update on the launch of the new One Team model taking place on that same day. She highlighted the collaborative efforts that went into its development, emphasizing how feedback and ideas from the last three events with this group were instrumental in shaping the model. Tracy detailed how the new approach would translate into practical changes for mental health staff, promising a more integrated and responsive service for people using the service 

Ben Blease, Director of Mental Health Specialist Services and Business Strategy took the stage next, discussing plans to develop the workforce in Berkshire to provide for the needs of Berkshire's population. A powerful case study demonstrated the vital need for a strong  connection between NHS mental health services and voluntary services and a need to reimagine services for those with complex needs 

A group of people sat around a table sharing ideas  two people sat together at a table talking

Attendees were then introduced to the teams from Berkshire Recovery College. Their presentation outlined the approach and ethos behind their work and the transformative impact of their programs on people's ability to manage their mental health.  

Find out more about Recovery Colleges in Berkshire on their websites.  

Wokingham Recovery College 

Bracknell - Stepping Stones Recovery College  

West Berkshire - Recovery in Mind 

Reading – Compass Recovery College 

Following this, Eva Karanja shared their efforts in tackling health inequalities in Reading through the Oxford Road Community Hub supported by ACRE. They showcased a range of initiatives underway to enhance community well-being and engage underserved ethnic groups with vital support. 

Find out more about ACRE on their website.  

The highlight of the morning was an interactive session led by Sue McLaughlin, Suicide Prevent Lead and her colleagues, Nurse Consultants, Reuben Pearce and Nicky Moone. They demonstrated the new risk assessment and safety plan documentation through a live group exercise. This hands-on activity illustrated the natural, conversational approach facilitated by the new forms, which encourage service users to engage more openly compared to the previous, more bureaucratic process and helps with a greater understanding of a person's presenting needs and risks enabling a more dynamic risk action plan. 

 A groupp of people sat at a table talking.  Event space with lots of attendees. One person presenting to the group.

The event concluded with a networking session, providing a valuable opportunity for attendees to connect, exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations. This final segment encapsulated the spirit of the event—building stronger, more connected teams dedicated to improving mental health services in Berkshire. 

Overall, the One Team Networking Event was a resounding success, marking the continuation of collaborative mental health care in the region. 

Read more about how we're improving Community Mental Health Services in Berkshire.