Research and you...

Growing our understanding of the causes, prevention and treatment of illnesses through research allows us to make real improvements to peoples’ lives.
The research we support explores a wide array of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and dementia. We’re also committed to improving the healthcare within our community, through encouraging more research in areas such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, and sexual health.
We have a number of trials going on across Berkshire Healthcare and we’re always looking for volunteers who are interested in taking part in helping find new treatments.
How can I get involved?
There are many ways you can get involved, from filing in a questionnaire, being interviewed, giving a blood or saliva sample to taking a new medication. Our researchers will discuss everything with you in detail beforehand. And if you change your mind about being involved, that’s ok too.
If you’re currently receiving care from us and are interested in new treatments that may help you, as well as improving our patient care, then please let your doctor/nurse know or email
To find out more, visit the research section of our website.