Slough Mental Health Services win two Positive Practice awards

We are delighted to have been presented with two prestigious awards at the National Positive Practice in Mental Health Awards 2019 ceremony.
In partnership with Slough Borough Council and other partners from across Slough, under the banner of ‘Enabling Town Slough’, we were the winners of the ‘Addressing Inequalities in Mental Health’ category and Highly Commended in the ‘Primary and Secondary Mental Health Services’ category.
Over the last 6 years, Slough Mental Health Services have been focused on creating an enabling environment which aspires to meet the needs of people in the community who require mental health services, with coproduction at the heart of all developments.
The ‘Slough model’ aims to provide a user-friendly mental health service and prevent the need for repeated inpatient hospital admission.
Geoff Dennis, Head of Mental Health Services, said “Winning this award has validated what we have been developing in Slough over the years. I have such a sense of pride in the concept of ‘Enabling Town Slough’ and all the people involved who believe in this way of developing services with, and for the community.”