Staff and volunteers celebrated at our All Star Awards

On Friday 5 July we held our All Star Awards, our annual staff recognition event, which celebrates success, innovation, and excellence in care.
Among this year’s winners were teams and individuals who made great strides in minimising hospital re-admissions, improving experience for neurodivergent patients, and those who went the extra mile to help patients receiving palliative care.
The ‘Clinical Team of the Year’ award went to a new community rehabilitation service designed for patients with complex psychosis. The Community Rehabilitation Enhanced Support Team (CREST) is one of only a few such services which exist nationwide.
The team works with patients following their discharge from hospital back into the community, helping improve social inclusion, promoting independence and maximising their quality of life. CREST’s work over the past year has significantly improved patients’ wellbeing by enabling them to live independently near to family and friends and prevented re-admissions to inpatient care.
Tani Prindiville, the Trust’s Neurodiversity Advisor, received the ‘Respect for Everyone’ award for her work on our Neurodiversity Strategy. Tani, who has lived experience of Autism and ADHD, helped to develop our neurodiversity passport which is designed to support neurodivergent patients to communicate with health professionals. She also shared her own personal journey and experiences on our new neurodiversity podcast series ‘Neurotypes’.
The joint winners of the Volunteer of the Year category were the Social Visiting and Listening teams, who regularly give up their own time to help comfort patients on the wards at West Berkshire Community Hospital.
The Listening Team support palliative patients and their families by sitting and listening to their worries, and also provide spiritual care. Last year they were at the forefront of the first Remembrance Morning that was held at the hospital and supported the bereaved families who attended.
The Social Visiting team provide patients with books, help them with puzzles or art activities, and take them outside into the therapy gardens. These acts of kindness help enhance the patients’ time in the hospital, improve their mental health, and encourage social interaction.
The People’s Choice award was open to nominations from the public and patients, with the overall winner voted for by Berkshire Healthcare staff.
The award was won by Humaira Javed, Ward Manager on Snowdrop Ward at Prospect Park Hospital, who only stepped into the role 8 months ago. An exceptional clinician and role model, Humaira made a real difference to team morale and ward culture with her collaborative approach.
Chief Executive, Julian Emms, said:
“It’s quite fitting that the day of our awards coincided with the 76th birthday of the NHS, as we were recognising the talent of our people and how they make a difference in people’s lives. We heard some truly inspirational stories, fantastic achievements, and celebrated unsung heroes from across the Trust. It’s these contributions that make Berkshire Healthcare a truly outstanding trust and a great place to get care, and a great place to give care”.
The full list of award winners are:
- Clinical Team of the Year went to the Community Rehabilitation Enhanced Support team (CREST)
- Non-clinical Team of the Year went to the Admin team for Op COURAGE, Berkshire Traumatic Stress Service and Birth in Mind
- Clinical Colleague of the Year went to Dr Amanda Ahmad
- Non-clinical Colleague of the Year went to Lucy Jacobs
- Excellence in Practice went to the CAMHS East and West Speciality Community Teams
- The People’s Choice Award went to Humaira Javed
- Respect for Everyone award went to Tani Prindiville
- Volunteer of the Year went to the Social Visiting Team and Listening Team
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