Take on the CAN DO Challenge for Mens Health Week

Men's Health Week 2021 (14-21 June) is a chance for us all to ask – after a difficult year, which has been challenging to everyone’s mental health – what can we do to move forward, and boost our wellbeing?
Doing different activities, such as speaking to others, learning something new, or even just going for a walk in the park, can make a big difference to our day, and our overall mental health.
Men’s Health Forum are encouraging everyone to take on the ‘CAN DO Challenge’, which stands for Connect, Active, Notice, Discover, and Offer.
Each day this week, do something to connect with others, and express yourself more.
Here’s a few examples to get your started.
- Connect – with other people, such as calling an old friend you haven’t spoken to in a while #ConnectMonday
- (Be) Active – by moving more, such as going for a walk, dancing, or swimming #ActiveTuesday
- Notice – by stepping away from screens and loud distractions, and taking in your environment #NoticeWednesday
- Discover – learn something new, such as reading a new book, or learning a new skill on YouTube #DiscoverThursday
- Offer – do something for someone else (e.g. volunteer for a local community group) #OfferFriday
On Friday, everybody can give their support to the men’s health message by wearing blue.
You can find 50 great examples on the Men’s Health Forum website if you’re stuck for ideas
Read 50 Champion CAN DO ideas on the Men’s Health Forum website (opens a new browser tab)
Want an extra challenge?
- Find activities which tick all 5 boxes – such as taking a group of people on a historical walk
- Do your activity five times – such as doing five press-ups, reading five books, dancing for five minutes
- Do all five ways in one day
You can do it by yourself, or with friends and family, and you can share your ideas and activities with others using the tag #menshealthweek, and the hashtag for each of the CAN DO days.
Visit the Men’s Health Forum website and share your CAN DO challenge (opens a new browser tab)
You can do the challenge for a bit of fun, but if you do decide to raise money, Men’s Health Forum have set up fundraising pages if you’d like to donate.
Visit the Men’s Health Forum Total Giving webpage (opens a new browser tab)
Visit the Men’s Heath Forum Just Giving webpage (opens a new browser tab)
Find help now
There’s support available if you need to talk to someone, or you’re concerned about someone else.
Talking Therapies
Our friendly service offers support if you’re aged 17 and over, and coping with challenges like depression, stress, anxiety or phobias.
Our teams are available for contact 8am to 8pm, Monday to Thursday, and 8am to 6pm on Friday. You can email us at any time, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Call 0300 365 2000
Email talkingtherapies@berkshire.nhs.uk
Visit Talking Therapies website (opens in a new browser tab)
Read advice on the Talking Therapies website about supporting someone else (opens a new browser tab)