Take on the Mayathon challenge and stay active

Keeping yourself active during the coronavirus lock down is important not only for your own physical and mental health, but also for your friends and family’s wellbeing too.
Be active, stay well and support your friends
We’re encouraging everyone to take part in the Mayathon challenge. The idea is to buddy up with a friend, family member or a colleague, and support each other to stay active throughout May.
The challenge is based on the number 26 – the number of miles in a marathon
Starting on 1 May, your challenge is to do 26 minutes of exercise a day for 26 days. The challenge finishes 26 May.
It’s free, and the best part is that you can do any type of activity. It's not about how far or fast you move, just that you stay active.
So, you could walk up and down stairs, use a skipping rope, or even walk around your garden.
Don’t worry if you’re not currently active, as you can split your 26 minutes into smaller activities throughout the day if you want to take part. You can find advice on how to stay active in a safe and healthy way on the Sport England website.
Read Sport England’s advice on exercising safely
Find out more and take part
Visit the website to find out more about the challenge and download the Mayathon app to track your progress (and your buddy's). You can also access free playlists and work out videos. You can also print a challenge calendar to help track your progress if you don’t have a smartphone.
Download the Mayathon app for Android
Download the Mayathon app for iOS
Follow us on Twitter and check out #mayathonbuddy for more ideas on how to stay active.