Understanding how COVID-19 is impacting LGBT+ people

Kindness is key for us this #PrideMonth and, with the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, it’s more important than ever that you’re kind to yourself and those around you.
The restrictions put in place through ‘lockdown’ and social distancing has been hard on all of us, especially on our LGBT+ communities. Not only are you at risk of becoming isolated and withdrawn from your usual support networks, the ‘stay at home’ order has also put many at risk of domestic violence and abuse.
We’ve seen the number of domestic abuse cases dramatically increase, with more than one in 10 LGBT+ people, and almost double that figure for trans people, experiencing a form of domestic abuse at the hands of their partner.
But you don’t have to suffer alone. There are a number of services and organisations out there who can help you cope and stay safe:
- Call the Galop National LGBT Domestic Violence Help Line
- Speak to Victim Support
- Refer into our Talking Therapies service – help with depression, anxiety and stress
- Visit the Stonewall website – organisations that could help you
You can also find more support in our charities and communities guide
Read our LGBT+ charities and communities guide
We’re asking everyone in Berkshire to keep an open mind and stay kind; both individuals and families come in all shapes and sizes and showing each other respect and compassion can make all the difference.