We're offering extra testing clinics to mark World AIDS Day

To mark World AIDS Day (Sunday 1 December), we're offering free tests at our sexual health clinics in Bracknell and Slough on Monday 2 December, to raise awareness of HIV and increase testing in the local community.
No GP referral or appointment is needed, you can simply drop in to either the Garden Clinic at Upton Hospital in Slough (between 9-11am or 5-7pm) or the Sexual Health Clinic at Skimped Hill Medical Centre, Bracknell (between 11am–1pm or 2.30-5.30pm). Testing usually involves a simple blood test, swab and urine sample.
Testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is good practice for everyone who is sexually active. In many cases there are no symptoms, so people may be unaware that they have an infection. Late diagnoses can cause more serious health complications for patients and also increases the risk of the infection being passed on to others.
Raza Ahmed, Service Manager for HIV and Integrated Sexual Health Service at Berkshire Healthcare, said:
“If you haven’t had a check-up in a while or are in a new relationship, we strongly advise that you come into the clinic and speak to one of our clinicians in confidence.
“HIV doesn’t discriminate. No matter what your age or sexuality is. If you’re worried, it’s always best to get tested to get peace of mind and make sure everything’s ok. If you do need treatment, it’s important to catch it early, so don’t put it off, or feel embarrassed. Our team are professional and here to help, not judge.”
Effective treatments for HIV have improved in recent years with antiretroviral therapies available enabling people with HIV to live long, fulfilling and productive lives.
There are also preventative treatments such as PrEP and PEP, two medicines that are clinically proven to help protect people from contracting HIV. PrEP (HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a treatment to be taken before having sex and is found to be highly effective in preventing HIV. PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) is an after-sex emergency treatment for use if someone has been potentially exposed to HIV after sex.
In addition to HIV testing the sexual health clinics provide free, confidential, and discreet help and advice on contraception, sexually transmitted infections and any other sexual health problems.
If you're unable to attend one of the drop in clinics, you can book an online appointment, or order a free STI testing kit, via our website.