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About our charity

We are the official charity of Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (1049733).

We raise money and awareness to support the trust’s mission of being a great place to get care, and a great place to give care. Our aim is to play a pivotal role to create a healthier, more vibrant community.

Watch our NHS Charities video on our YouTube channel (opens new tab)

Your donations make a difference

With your support, we’re able to provide essential grants to our teams and projects which aren’t covered by NHS funding, such as:

  • Brightening our environments to make our clinics and offices feel more welcoming
  • Supporting new treatment ideas to improve patient care
  • Improving staff morale through training
  • Purchasing equipment to help our teams provide care

All donations are greatly appreciated, and we direct all contributions to our General Fund to where they are needed most.

We will always endeavour to fulfil your wish if you decide to donate to a particular service or project.

Our Mission is to strengthen the Berkshire Healthcare NHS community by supporting research and development initiatives, providing advanced equipment and technologies, and brightening environments beyond the scope of NHS funding. Committed to enhancing the well-being of patients, staff and carers, we aim to create a healthier community, and build a better tomorrow for all. 

Our Vision We see a future where Berkshire Healthcare Charity plays a pivotal role in creating a healthier, more vibrant community, where we can build on the healthcare services by providing funds to support projects over and above NHS funding limitations and where individuals and organisations come together to support and enhance the wellbeing for all.

We raise funds through:

  • Individual & regular donations
  • Legacies
  • Community fundraising
  • Fundraising events and activities
  • Corporate support

Make your donation 

We are also able to support our staff, volunteer and patients by receiving and distributing gifts in kind from individuals as well as local and national companies.

Berkshire Health Charity was registered with the Charity Commission in 1996.

The charity’s board of directors, who act on behalf of our NHS Trust (the Corporate Trustee of the fund), is responsible for making sure that your donations are spent and invested responsibly. They receive no additional pay for this role, but they are hugely passionate about improving everything we do, and ensuring patients, service users and their families receive the best possible care and experience we can deliver.

The charity’s income is regularly reviewed by internal and external auditors to make sure that it is being spent and invested in a way that benefits patients, service users, their families and local NHS staff, in a timely manner.


"Berkshire Healthcare Charity" is our registered charity name, registration number (1049733).

We’re committed to upholding excellent fundraising standards, in line with the Fundraising Code of Conduct, and we ask all our fundraisers to do the same.

Please read the important information below before starting to fundraise.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us

Email fundraising@berkshire.nhs.uk


You may need a licence if organising an event, particularly if selling alcohol or food. Get in touch with your local council about what permissions are needed.

Raffles and Lotteries

There are rules you must follow when raising funds through a raffle, lottery or other activity involving gambling. Some activities require a licence.

Visit Gambling Commission UK website for guidance

Collections on private property

Before you can collect on privately owned property, written consent should be sought from the owner or business. You must not collect door to door.


Some event venues may require you to have insurance, so it is advised to check with the venue first before fundraising.

We publish our annual reports (accounts and TAR) on the Charity Commissions website

Read our 31 March 2024 Annual Report and Financial Statements (pdf)

Visit the Charity Commission website to see our archived reports (new browser tab)

Fundraising regulator logo     Mmeber of NHS Charities Together logo