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South East Pharmacy Procurement Service

Who are we?

The South East Pharmacy Procurement Service, previously known as the Thames Valley and Wessex Pharmacy Procurement Service, is an independent procurement hub hosted by Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. 

We've been providing creative procurement solutions, strategic purchasing support, and specialist knowledge to induvial trusts, systems and regional partnerships. We also have collaborative relationships with local authorities, regional stakeholder groups, and wider emergency services. 

We provide pharmacy services for the Thames Valley and Wessex (TVW) and South East Coast (SEC) regions. 

Working together to benefit the NHS


Enabling collaboration

We know that when we work together, we are best able to service the NHS. We have proven experience of fostering collaborative partnerships to drive value in the NHS.

Improving patient care

From delivering efficiencies and value that returns money to the front line where it's needed most, to service redesign and developing patient pathways, everything we do comes back to patient care.

Procurement frameworks

We operate on the following frameworks:

  • Homecare
  • Compounded medicines
  • Medical gases
  • Contrast Media
  • Wholesalers
  • Parenteral nutrition
  • Radiopharmaceuticals

Contact us for more information

Email: SEPPS.info@berkshire.nhs.uk