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Nutrition and Dietetics

If you’re finding it difficult to manage your diet and nutrition, we can support you with advice and guidance.

Watch our About our Nutrition and Dietetics service video on our YouTube channel (opens new browser tab)

Our service is available for both adults and children living in Berkshire.

Unfortunately we don’t accept self-referrals. If you’d like to access our service, please ask your healthcare professional to refer you through our Integrated Hub.

Email integratedhub@berkshire.nhs.uk

Appointment letters are now digital. You will receive a text message with a secure link to your appointment information and be able to confirm, cancel or rebook with just one click. 

Find out more information about digital correspondence

Useful Contact Numbers

You can contact our teams and dietetics offices if you have questions about how we can help you.

Call Abbott Hospital to Home Service (24 hour helpline)  0800 0183 799

Call Royal Berkshire Hospital  0118 322 7116 

West Berkshire

Call Community Dietitians  0118 904 3251

Call Learning Disabilities Dietitian  0118 207 7682

Call Children with Complex Needs Dietitians  0300 365 4000 

Call Dietitians working in Royal Berkshire Hospital  0118 322 7116

East Berkshire

Call Community Dietitians 0118 904 3250

Call Learning Disabilities Dietitian  07500 918083

Call Children with Complex Needs Dietitians  01753 635073

We can help you in many different ways, such as:

  • Individual consultations to assess, treat and educate you on therapeutic diets
  • Offering advice if you’re living in a residential home and are at risk of malnutrition (in special cases, we also see people in their own homes)
  • Supporting you if you’re receiving artificial nutrition at home to minimise complications and avoid going back into hospital
  • Running specialist weight management sessions
  • Providing nutrition education for you, your family, carers and other health professionals

We can also support you if you’re receiving care at Royal Berkshire Hospital.

Our Paediatric Community Nutrition and Dietetic Services team provides outpatient clinic support for children and their families/carers, who need support and advice with their nutritional intake to promote good growth and/or help manage a clinical diagnosis.

Our team covers issues such as fussy eating and food refusal, faltering growth related to poor intake, and allergy advice.

If your infant has a confirmed diagnosis of cows milk protein allergy, visit our page on managing your child's cows milk protein allergy for further advice and support.


When you come for an appointment, you’ll be seen by the dietitian who’ll assess your child’s nutritional intake and review the issues affecting it. You’ll be given advice and an agreed plan to help manage these issues. This appointment will usually be with a dietitian alone and will happen in a variety of settings across the county.

If you are a parent/carer

To access help from our service, contact needs to be made by a relevant healthcare professional. Therefore, please speak to a GP or other healthcare professional. 

If you are a professional

Referrals to the Community Nutrition and Dietetics team must  be made by a healthcare professional by completing the Community Dietetics referral form and returning it to us

View our Community Dietitian Paediatric referral form (pdf)

Email integratedhub@berkshire.nhs.uk

When making a referral, please provide details of the child or young person’s height, weight and change in weight centiles over the last six months.

Contacting us

We work as two locality based teams to cover the East and West Berkshire areas. Our teams are based in several locations across the localities, but the central point of contact for the service is based at West Berkshire Community Hospital.

Call Berkshire East Community Dietetics 01753 636724

Call Berkshire West Community Dietetics 01635 273710

Body Mass Index (BMI)

A healthy weight can be checked by calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is the measure of your height and weight, which is then compared against a chart. The BMI chart can give a good indication of whether you’re under or overweight, or you’re average weight.

Find more NHS information about BMI calculations

Visit the NHS Better Health website to read about losing weight

Weight Off Your Mind (WOYM)

Community Dietitians run a virtual weight management programme called Weight Off Your Mind. Read our course leaflet for more information about eligibility.

Read our WOYM course leaflet (pdf)

Please note we do not offer a service for weight loss injections.

View WOYM Course Guide (pdf)

View Masterclass Guide (pdf)

Dietary changes can help IBS symptoms and sometimes simple changes are all that are required.  Remember to monitor your symptoms by keeping a food and symptom diary. If you require further help ask your doctor to refer you to a dietitian. We offer free live webinars and specialist clinics to provide advice on diet lifestyle choices if you have IBS.

View First Line Dietary Advice (opens new browser tab)

We offer further live webinars and specialist clinics to provide advice on diet lifestyle choices if you have IBS. Contact your local dietetic team to find out if you’re eligible to join.

Our dietitians can support you if you’re receiving tube feeding at home. It can take a while to adjust to tube feeding, but if you need support our videos and leaflets can guide you if you’re having difficulties.

You can also contact our team if you have any more questions.

If you have questions about my feeding pump

Depending on the type of pump you have, please contact the following teams.

Product Time Call
Abbott “FreeGo”   Call Abbott H2H 0800 018 3799
Nutricia “Infinity” 8am to 8pm Call Nutricia Homeward Team 0800 093 3672

8.45am to 5.15pm, Monday to Thursday

8.45am to 4pm, Friday

Call Nutricia Homeward Nursing Team 0345 605 1744

My feeding tube has come out

If your balloon gastrostomy tube has fallen out, you will need to place a stoma stopper or Enplug as soon as possible. Both our video and leaflet show you how to do this.

Visit Vimeo to watch our video on placing a Stoma Stopper (opens new browser tab)

Read our Stoma stopper guide (pdf)

Read our guide on what to do if your tube falls out (pdf)

My feeding tube is blocked

If your gastrostomy or jejunostomy feeding tube is blocked, there are several ways you can try to unblock it.

Visit Vimeo to watch our video on unblocking a feeding tube (opens new browser tab)

My Corflo PEG is broken

If the Y end on your Corflo PEG tube has broken, you can replace it with a new end connector.

Visit Vimeo to watch our video on replacing the connector on your Corflo PEG tube (opens new browser tab)

Patients on Intravenous & Nasogastric Nutrition Therapy (PINNT)

PINNT is charity that provides practical support to you, your family and your carers if you’re receiving tube feeding or parenteral nutrition.

Visit the PINNT website (opens new browser tab)

I have other concerns

Our troubleshooting guide can support you if you have other questions about tube feeding

Read our troubleshooting guide (pdf)

There are some important changes to the supply and delivery of prescribed tube feeds, pumps and equipment in Berkshire.

The new service will be provided by a company called Nutricia, replacing the current service provided by Abbott Hospital to Home from 15 January 2025.

Nutricia’s home delivery system is called Homeward.

Although these changes will be starting 15 January, they will take some time to roll out to everyone.

Your dietitian and Nutricia will be working together to make sure that there is a smooth transfer to the new service. No changes will be made without discussion with your dietitian.

Please be aware that you do not need to contact Nutricia. They will contact you in the coming weeks.

Tube feed

Your dietitian will liaise with Nutricia to make sure that your prescribed feed is suitable for you and best meets your nutritional requirements.


A Nutricia Homeward Coordinator will be in contact in the next couple of weeks to arrange your first delivery of feeds and equipment.

During this call, the coordinator will ask for your consent for Nutricia Homeward to contact your GP for your enteral feed prescriptions to ensure your monthly deliveries.

Feeding pump and equipment

You will be given training on how to use the Nutricia pump. A Homeward Nurse will be in contact to arrange an appointment.

We will make sure everyone who is involved in providing your feeds (such as agency carers or family members) receive training.

Before this changeover has been made, please continue to contact Abbott Hospital to Home regarding any pump issues

Call 0800 0183 799

After you have been trained to use the Nutricia pump and have received your delivery of feed and equipment from Nutricia, your dietitian will inform Abbott, who will contact you to arrange return of the Abbott FreeGo pump.


Your dietitian and Nutricia will be working with your current supplier to make sure that there is a smooth transfer to the new service.  

Your current feed and equipment from Abbott will continue to be delivered to your home every month until the change is completed to Nutricia.

Following this transition, you will begin receiving your monthly orders. If you have any queries, please contact your dietetic team.   

Nursing service

Nutricia also provide a nursing service. The nursing service will be limited during the transition from Abbott to Nutricia.

You may be directed to NHS services during this period for support.

Contact details (after 15 January 2025)

Team Time Contact number
Nutricia Homeward Nursing Team

8.45am to 5.15pm, Monday to Thursday

8.45am to 4pm, Friday

Call 0345 605 1744
Nutricia Homeward Team - General Enquiries 8am to 8pm Call 0800 093 3672 (Option 6)
Outside of normal work ours, until you're transferred to Nutricia   Call 0300 365 1234

 If you have any questions about these changes, please call one of the numbers above, or contact your usual dietitian.

Berkshire Healthcare Teams Time Contact number
West Berkshire Dietitians  8.30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday Call 0118 904 3251
East Berkshire Dietitians 8.30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday Call 0118 904 3250
Learning Disabilities Dietitians 8.30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday Call 0118 904 7203

Not eating enough of the right things can lead to malnutrition. This might mean your feel more tired and find it difficult to concentrate. In some severe cases, malnutrition can lead to a higher risk of infections, falls and poor wound healing.

To support you, we use your Body Mass Index (BMI) number and assess your level of risk using our Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST). Depending on your risk level and needs, we’ll work with you to create your care plan.

Our guides can help your learn more about nutrition.

If you’re a care professional, you can use these MUST assessments and care plans with your patients: 

Malnutrition is caused in part by poor appetite and poor intakes of food and drink resulting commonly in weight loss as well as increased risk of infections and other illnesses.

It’s vital as staff within care homes to be able to recognise the signs of malnutrition and initiate treatment as early as possible.

Our videos and guides provide tips for improving resident’s eating and drinking to reduce risk of malnutrition or treat it once diagnosed.

View our Care Home resources and videos