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Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal Outpatients)

Our Physiotherapy service for Musculoskeletal Outpatients works with you to develop personalised care plans that help you manage and improve your condition.

Icon showing self-help materialsStep One

Browse our ‘self-care’ materials to find practical advice and self-guided treatments you can start today

Browse our 'self-care' materials

Icon showing a user learning about a serviceStep Two

Can’t find what you need? Learn more about our service and decide if it’s the right option for you

Learn about our service 

Icon showing form being completedStep Three

Complete our self-referral form with as much detail as you can

Start your self-referral

Icon showing a letter arriving in the postStep Four

Check your inbox for our confirmation email and instructions about your next steps



Try our 'self-care' treatments 


Watch our Low Back Pain webinar on our YouTube channel(opens new browser tab)

Lower Back Pain 

Watch and learn about:

  • What causes Low Back Pain?
  • What you can do to help ease your symptoms?
  • What you can do to help yourself
  • Treatment options 



Watch our How to manage your long term pain on our YouTube channel (opens new browser tab)  

Managing your long term pain

 Other websites and resources you may find useful:

Watch our Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Knee webinar on our YouTube channel (opens new browser tab) 

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Knee - self-management

Watch and learn about:

  • What osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is
  • What a diagnosis may mean for you
  • What the treatment options available are, and how helpful they may be
  • What you can do to help yourself  



Watch our Pelvic Girdle Pain self management webinar on our YouTube channel (opens new browser tab)


Pelvic Girdle Pain - self-management

Watch and learn about:

  • Anatomy of the pelvis
  • Causes of Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)
  • Changes that happen in pregnancy
  • What you can do to self-manage PGP
  • What to do if PGP doesn't improve




Watch our Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome webinar on our YouTube channel (opens new browser tab)


Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS)

Watch and learn about:

  • What is Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome?s
  • What causes Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome?
  • What you can do to help ease your symptoms
  • What you can do to help yourself
  • What you do next if these do not help you


 Surgery toolkit

If you are waiting for surgery, or are recovering from surgery, Versus Arthritis have developed a helpful toolkit called ‘Lets Move for Surgery’. They have tailor made programs and exercise routines for hip, shoulder and knee replacement, and many other sections to help you navigate movement and exercise before and after surgery.

Go to the Let's Move For Surgery Toolkit on the Versus Arthiritis website (opens a new browser tab)

Self-care leaflets

We have a number of information sheets to give you advice on some of the most common physiotherapy conditions.

Head and neck

Upper and mid body

Lower body

Learn about our Physiotherapy service

Watch our Physiotherapy Service video on our YouTube channel (opens new browser tab)

We’re here to give you advice about treatments and how to manage your symptoms, including:

  • Exercises you can do at home, in the gym or as part of one of our classes to improve your strength, co-ordination and balance
  • Advice on how to reduce and manage your pain effectively
  • Functional rehabilitation to help improve your daily movements and reduce any contributing factors
  • Returning to or starting sports and hobbies
  • Manual (or manipulative) therapy 

Conditions we can help you manage

We can provide treatment and support if you have one of the following conditions:

  • Neck, e.g. whiplash, wry neck
  • Shoulder, e.g. impingements, frozen shoulder
  • Elbow, e.g. tennis and golfers elbow
  • Wrist/hand, e.g. fractures, stiffness and pain
  • Lower back, e.g. sciatica, stiffness and pain
  • Hip, e.g. osteoarthritis, stiffness and pain, groin pain
  • Knee, e.g. osteoarthritis, ligament, anterior knee pain
  • Ankle/foot, e.g. achilles pain, heel pain, sprains
  • Recovering from surgery or fractures
  • Long term conditions, e.g. Rheumatoid Arthritis

We also have a number of specialist services, including help for cancer patients experiencing tightness or a reduced range of movement after surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy in West Berkshire only). 

Make a self-referral 

Complete our online self-referral form (opens new browser tab)

Having trouble accessing our online form?

Contact your nearest Physiotherapy team for help

Your next steps

Once you have been referred to our service, we'll contact you by post or telephone to book your first appointment.

We may ask you to complete our questionnaire before your first appointment. Please also bring with you a list of your current medication and any communications between you and your GP, specialist or consultant.

During your first appointment, we’ll carry out a full physical assessment, asking you about your problem and how it affects your life. This can last up to 45 minutes.

If your appointment is face-to-face, we may ask you to take off some items of clothing to help with our assessment, if you feel comfortable doing so.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible. If you miss your appointment and don’t reschedule within a week, we’ll discharge you back to your GP.

On this page are the contact details and locations for our teams across East Berkshire, which covers Bracknell, Maidenhead, Slough, and Windsor.

If you feel that your symptoms are of an urgent nature, or if you need any assistance please call or email us.

Call 0300 365 5678

Email MSKphysioadmin@berkshire.nhs.uk 


Church Hill House

51-52 Turing Drive
RG12 7FR

Great Hollands Health Centre

Great Hollands
RG12 8WY 


St Mark's Hospital

St Mark's Road
SL6 6DU 


Upton Hospital

Albert Street
SL1 2BJ  



Unit A & B, Foundation House
Dedworth Road

On this page are the contact details and locations for our teams across West Berkshire, which covers Reading, Wet Berkshire Community Hospital, and Wokingham.

Call 0118 904 1777

Email mskphysioadminwest@berkshire.nhs.uk 


Reading MSK Physiotherapy

59 Bath Road
RG30 2BA

West Berkshire

Physiotherapy Department at West Berkshire Community Hospital

London Road
Benham Hill
RG18 3AS 


Wokingham Community Hospital 

Barkham Road
RG41 2RE