World Suicide Prevention Day 2021

The CRHTT contact details on this page were updated 1 October 2021
Today (10 September) is World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD). Every year, organisations and communities around the word come together to raise awareness of what we can do to help reduce the number of people who die by suicide
One in every 100 deaths worldwide is the result of suicide, and it can affect any one of us.
Suicide is devastating and has a profound impact on those around them. By raising awareness, we hope to collectively reduce the stigma around suicide and encourage well informed action and reduce suicides and suicide attempts.
People who are suicidal may feel trapped or like a burden to their friends, family and those around them and thus feel like they are alone and have no other options.
The causes and factors that lead to suicide are complex, no single approach works for everyone. COVID-19 has contributed to increased feelings of isolation and vulnerability.
The important thing to know is that you don’t have to struggle with difficult feelings and thoughts alone.
Reach out to a loved one
We all can reach out to someone and ask if they’re okay. You don’t need to tell them what to do or provide solutions to their problems, but by simply making the time and space to listen to someone about their experiences of distress or suicidal thoughts can help. It can save lives and create a sense of connection and hope in somebody who may be struggling.
If you’re having suicidal thoughts, there is help and support available right now if you need it:
Our Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHTT) are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Visit our Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHTT) service page (opens new browser tab)
Call 0800 129 9999 (calls charged at local rate)
If you need emergency help, please call 999.
You can call, email, write them a letter or download their self-help app to help you keep track of how you’re feeling and stay safe in a crisis
Visit the Samaritans website (opens new browser tab)
Call 116 123