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Mental health inpatients for adults

We have a number of wards at our Prospect Park Hospital dedicated to providing care and treatment for people suffering from mental health problems.

Our inpatient service is split into three groups:

This page is for adults needing mental health care and treatments.

Once you’ve been referred to our service, we’ll offer you a bed on one of our wards as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we have a limited number of beds so, if possible, we might ask you to wait a little while or refer you to another hospital.

Each ward has access to a multi-skilled team consisting of:

  • Psychiatrists
  • Nurses
  • Psychologists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Speech and language therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Dietitians
  • Health care assistants

Once you’re on one of our wards, we’ll meet with you to discuss your care needs and put together a care plan with the aim of helping you return home safely.

You may find that, to start with, you’re not allowed to leave the hospital or need to be accompanied if you do. Our clinical team, however, will continually assess your progress and discuss this with you.

You’ll also have access to our therapy service, which runs seven days a week, both on our wards and in our Therapy Centre. We have a mixture of staff and volunteers who deliver a range of activities including woodwork, gardening, sports activities, and games and puzzles.

We have four wards dedicated to adult mental health care. Each ward is mixed gender, has a maximum of 23 beds and is allocated areas (also known as localities) of Berkshire to receive referrals from. 

  • Rose ward – patients from Slough
  • Snowdrop ward – patients from Bracknell, Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead
  • Daisy ward – patients from Reading
  • Bluebell ward – patients from Newbury and Wokingham

You may find, however, that we place you in a different ward if a bed becomes available.

To access our service, you’ll first need to be assessed by our Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHTT).

Visit the Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHTT) service page 

They’ll decide whether you need to be admitted for a stay on one of our wards and will then refer you to our care.

Our service is open to anyone who is over 18 and registered with a Berkshire GP.

If you’re brought directly to hospital by the police, however, you may be assessed under the Mental Health Act by an approved mental health practitioner and an independent doctor before being referred to our care.

Contact us

You can contact our team by calling.

Call 0118 960 5000

Please do not visit us unless you have an appointment

Prospect Park Hospital
Honey End Lane
RG30 4EJ

Our Neuro-inclusion Passport can help you communicate your needs to our staff. It covers sensory processing, your communication preferences, and topics that might make you feel anxious and overwhelmed, so that we can support you.   

Read about our Neuro-inclusion Passport