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Wellbeing Matters (for Berkshire Healthcare staff only)

If you work at Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and you need support with your mental health, contact Wellbeing Matters, part of our Staff Health and Wellbeing Service.

We offer free, compassionate, confidential support to staff working at Berkshire Healthcare, whether your contract is permanent, temporary or through an agency.​

Patient Wellbeing Service

If you're not a member of staff, but you need wellbeing support because of changes to life circumstances, such as housing and finances, you can contact our Wellbeing Service

Visit our patient Wellbeing Service webpage

How we can help you

Working in healthcare can mean facing challenging experiences and a wide range of stress factors. This can affect your work, your home life and your mental health.

If you’re going through a difficult time, contact Wellbeing Matters to book a chat with one of our trained mental health practitioners. We can give you an assessment and refer you to the right service for you.

What we offer

  • Support for individuals and teams who work at Berkshire Healthcare
  • We specialise in supporting healthcare staff
  • Confidential​
  • A quick assessment
  • Referrals to a wide range of psychological support, including mental health care, therapy and other services, depending on your needs
  • We'll follow up with you later, to check how you're getting on​

If you work for Berkshire Healthcare, see Nexus (staff intranet) to access Wellbeing Matters, mental health support, physical health support and team support.​

Visit the staff Wellbeing section of Nexus (only available to staff on a work phone or computer)

Patient Wellbeing Service

If you're not a member of staff, but you need wellbeing support because of changes to life circumstances, such as housing and finances, you can contact our Wellbeing Service

Visit our patient Wellbeing Service webpage