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Bladder and Bowel (Continence) Service

An estimated 14 million people in the UK live with some issue of bladder or bowel control (incontinence), and only 1 in 8 people seek help.

There are treatments which can improve and often cure symptoms of incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain, or constipation.

We’re a team of pelvic health physiotherapists and continence nurse specialists, who offer support if you have any bladder of bowel concerns at any point in life including post-natal care, menopause, and beyond. 

You do not need to be incontinent to receive treatment from us.

There are many things which can affect your ability to control your bladder and bowel.

It could be that you’re recovering from surgery, or you’re living with a health condition which makes it difficult to know when you need to use the toilet.

We can help improve your situation and self-confidence if you feel that you go to the toilet too often, or that your bladder or bowels are limiting your lifestyle.

Depending on your needs, we can offer treatments for: 

  • Bladder and bowel incontinence
  • Pelvic floor muscle weakness or tightness
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Pelvic pain
  • Constipation/incomplete emptying
  • Urinary frequency and urgency – including overactive bladder syndrome
  • Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome
  • Vaginal pain including vaginismus and vulvodynia
  • Perineal and episiotomy scar issues
  • Post-prostatectomy advice and support
  • Neurogenic bladder
  • Teaching of Intermittent Self-catheterisation
  • Advice and strategies to support long-term continence issues including Neobladder and Mitrofanoff 

You can find more information about urinary and faecal incontinence, including causes and symptoms, on the NHS website.

Visit NHS website to read about Urinary Incontinence (opens new tab)

Visit NHS website to read about Bowel Incontinence (opens new tab)

Visit NHS website to read about Constipation (opens new tab)


Please ask your GP for a referral to our service, to make sure they know about your situation.

Once you’ve been referred to us and you’re next on the waiting list, we’ll send some forms for you to complete and ask you to call or email to book your appointment.

We offer various clinics across Berkshire, and on occasions we may assess on a call. 

We may offer our online class which covers treatment techniques to help you while you wait for your first appointment.

Here are examples of our Bladder and Bowel diaries, which can help us better understand your situation.

Read the Bladder and Bowel Diary (pdf)

Read Bowel Diary (pdf) 

Read the Urinary Catheter Passport (pdf)

Contact us 

If you have any questions, please contact our team, who aim to respond to all emails between 8.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

Email continence@berkshire.nhs.uk

Call Clinic 0118 904 6540 10am to 2pm, Tuesday to Thursday.

Your assessment with us will be in a secure and private environment with one of our specialists.

We will suggest treatments we think could improve your situation, such as:

  • Pelvic floor muscle strengthening
  • Bladder re-training
  • Bowel re-training (defaecation dynamics)
  • Fluid, dietary and lifestyle advice
  • Advice on core strengthening/functional exercise programmes to help return to your normal level of physical activity
  • Relaxation and mindfulness techniques for bladder and bowel urgency and pelvic pain
  • Teaching of trans-anal irrigation
  • Teaching of Intermittent Self-Catheterisation (ISC)
  • Teaching of penile urinary sheath application
  • Provision of continence aids/products

You can contact our team if you are on our home delivery service, and you already have a supply of containment products (pads) and have a query or concern

Call 0118 904 6530 9am to 2pm, Monday to Friday. 

Email continence@berkshire.nhs.uk

For any reorder of products call 0800 030 4466 (you will need the PIN code on your delivery note).

Visit the NHS website to read about Incontinence Products that may help you (new browser tab)

Visit the Bladder and Bowel UK website to read their Adult bowel care information library (new browser tab)

Read the NHS Home Delivery Service leaflet (pdf)

Read the Re-ordering Containment Products (pads) leaflet (pdf)

If you require catheter products and use our prescription service:

Call prescription team 0118 904 6520, 9am to 2.30pm, Monday to Friday

Email casprescriptionservice@berkshire.nhs.uk

Healthcare professionals/carers/patients will need to have their name, NHS number, date of birth, address and products required to be able to place an order. 

If you have lost or have not been given a catheter ‘passport’. This can be completed when you next see your health care professional in clinic for a catheter change / by the district nurse if they attend your home. 

Read the Urinary Catheter Passport (pdf)


Skimped Hill Health Centre

Skimped Hill Lane
RG12 1LH


Hungerford Health Clinic

2A The Croft
RG17 0HY


St Marks Hospital

Lower Limb Clinic
St Mark's Road


Bath Road Clinic
57-59 Bath Road
RG30 2BA


Upton Hospital

Birch House Outpatients
Albert Street

West Berkshire Community Hospital

Physiotherapy Department
London Road
RG18 3AS


Wokingham Community Hospital - Main Outpatient Department

41 Barkham Road
RG41 2RE

Please contact our Paediatric Continence service if you’re under 18, or looking for advice for a child or young person.

Children can be referred by a healthcare professional, or school nurse.

Visit our CYPF Paediatric Continence service

Our Neuro-inclusion Passport can help you communicate your needs to our staff. It covers sensory processing, your communication preferences, and topics that might make you feel anxious and overwhelmed, so that we can support you.   

Read about our Neuro-inclusion passport

Self-help guides

Please can a look at these self help leaflets to see if there is some things you can do that might improve your own situation.

Read the Bladder and Bowel Diary (pdf)

Read Bowel Diary (pdf)

Read Incomplete Bladder Emptying guide (pdf)

Read Overactive Bladder guide (pdf)

Read Overactive Bladder and Retraining guide (pdf)

Read Pelvic Floor Exercises - Men (pdf)

Read Pelvic Floor Exercises - Women (pdf) 

Pelvic floor

Watch a presentation from our Bladder and Bowel service, about how to manage symptoms of Stress urinary incontinence, Urge urinary incontinence and Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse.

Watch the How is Your Pelvic Floor video on our YouTube channel (new browser tab)

Perinatal care

Frimley NHS Trust has guides and videos for strengthening your pelvic floor if you've had a baby in the last 12 months

Visit the Pregnancy and Pelvic Floor resources webpage


These guides can help you understand constipation. 

  1. Read - what is constipation? (pdf)
  2. Read - a quick guide to constipation (pdf)
  3. Read - what are laxatives? (pdf)
  4. Read - Medication that causes constipation (pdf)
  5. Read - Managing constipation (Carers Information) (pdf)



These guides can help you eat food that can help stop constipation. 

  1. Read - Recipes (pdf)
  2. Read - Care plan (pdf)
  3. Read - Fibre in your diet (pdf)
  4. Read - Food diary (pdf)



You can use these plans when you go to the toilet

  1. Read - Bowel movement and fluid monitoring (pdf)
  2. Read - Bristol-stool monitoring (pdf)


Best practice

These are guides from Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and Public Health England (PHE).

  1. Read - Bowel Care (RCN) (pdf)
  2. Read - Managing constipation for people with Learning Disabilities (PHE) (pdf)