Happy 74th Birthday NHS

Happy birthday NHS!
We are excited to reflect today, look back at the past year and celebrate some of our achievements.
As always, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all our colleagues, for their hard work and dedication, all our achievements would not be possible without all of you.
What’s new?
Here’s just a few things that happened over the past year:
Meet Tehmeena, our new COO (opens new browser tab)
Read our first Green Plan (opens new browser tab)
Read about the Launch of Reconnect, Care After Custody service in 4 prisons across Thames Valley (opens new browser tab)
Several of our staff and services have also been recognised for their individual achievements:
Read about our HSJ award for ADHD/Autism work (opens new browser tab)
Read how our Little Dragons Nursery is among top nurseries in Reading (opens new browser tab)
Read about why we rank 61 in top 100 Stonewall (opens new browser tab)
Read about our Silver Defence Employer Recognition Scheme Award (opens new browser tab)
Certified Disability Confident Employer. As a Disability Confident Employer, we have undertaken and successfully completed the Disability Confident self-assessment.
We’re taking all of the core actions to be a Disability Confident employer by offering at least one activity to get the right people for our business and at least one activity to keep and develop our people.
We’ve received several accreditations over the past year. A huge well done to the services and teams involved with these:
Read about our Veterans Aware Accreditation (opens new browser tab)
Read about our GDE Accreditation (opens new browser tab)
Accreditation from UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative in July 2021. A nationally accredited award, Baby Friendly services enables our health visiting service to better support families with feeding and developing close and loving relationships so that all babies get the best start in life.
Our recent re-accreditation in July 2021 demonstrates our standards remain high and are well evaluated by the Baby Friendly Initiative team.
Special shoutouts
We wanted to give a few shoutouts to some special moments over the last year. From celebrating Reading Pride, to planting a Tiny Forest at West Berkshire Community Hospital to a member of staff raising £18,000 to support the COVID-19 recovery in India by making and delivering curry, we have so much to reflect and celebrate within our trust today for the NHS Birthday.
Read how one of our Consultant psychiatrists raised money for COVID-19 recovery in India (opens new browser tab)
Read about how we get involved with Reading Pride (opens new browser tab)
Read about Tom who ran the equivalent of 75 marathons in 85 days (opens new browser tab)
Read how you can help us look after a Tiny forest (opens new browser tab)
Our Wellbeing Matters staff support website is one year old. They’ve now helped over 3,500 health and social care staff across Berkshire since the service began in 2020.
Visit our Wellbeing Matters website (opens new browser tab)
What our staff say
The results from the 2021 NHS National Staff Survey showed that once again we’ve achieved the highest engagement score (7.4) of all Community and Mental Health Trusts, as well as topping the tables for staff recommending us as a place to work (74%).
Some highlights:
- 80.7% think that the organisation respects individual differences (average 72.2%)
- 90.2% feel their role makes a difference to patients and service users (average is 87.5%)
Join us! We’re always looking for passionate people to come and join our teams.
Find out what it’s like to work for us (opens new browser tab)
See our latest job opportunities (opens new browser tab)
Find out more
Connect with us on Twitter to see how we’re celebrating #NHSBirthday (opens new browser tab)